Re: [proaudio] Wrong eclasses in some ebuilds

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Le Wed, 6 May 2009 20:17:34 +0100,
Gavin Pryke <gavinlee303@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> On Wednesday 06 May 2009 19:52:07 Dominique Michel wrote:
> > /usr/portage/local/layman/test/
> Are all these ebuilds in an overlay on top of proaudio? 

No, it is a personal overlay I use to try new ebuilds before to commit them
into the overlay, and also for personal ebuilds that doesn't fit anywhere like
a patched version of gdm or a mac (monkey audio) ebuild .

About the ebuild for the 2.6.29 rt-sources, the last
version on is I can make an ebuild for it and commit it into the overlay, but it
will be without the fbcondcor stuff.

I think that an ebuild for rt 2.6.29 is a must because it is a lot of new
hardware in comparaison with the
> It looks like the 
> ebuilds are trying to use an eclass that doesn't exist, seems a lot of people 
> having this problem with ebuilds. I'm not sure how portage handles eclass in 
> stacked overlays. Maybe try a look in /usr/portage/local/layman/test/eclass 
> to see if the eclasses are there, if not try copying them from the proaudio 
> overlay. Just a few thoughts.
> Best regards,
> Gav

Thank you. Maybe that this is a new behaviour. I am updating from amd64 to
~amd64 and this was not the case before.

I just made a symlink to the overlay's eclass dir and all is working fine now.


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