Re: [proaudio] Re: New sound card + MIDI input questions

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On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:44 AM, Arve Barsnes <arve.barsnes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Did this mail get through to the list? Was kinda weird to not get any
> responses...
> On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Arve Barsnes <arve.barsnes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi all! Two questions I've been meaning to ask of you.
>> Looking at buying myself a new audio interface in the near future, to
>> upgrade my little M-Audio MobilePre USB. I've been looking around the
>> M-Audio webpage at their other cards, but being fairly new to this
>> whole recording thing, I'm not sure exactly what I should be looking
>> for. I know I'll need jack inputs and XLR inputs, as I already have on
>> the MobilePre, but I'll also be needing MIDI inputs in the future, so
>> that should be included. This isn't in any way a professional studio,
>> so I won't be needing very many inputs, there will never be an
>> opportunity to record many things at once, such as a full drum set.
>> Any recommendations? I know only of M-Audio being good for linux, but
>> there might be others too that some of you have had good experiences
>> with?
>> Now, it will be a while until I actually buy this new interface, so
>> for now I'm stuck without MIDI capabilities. Not that I have gotten
>> ahold of any MIDI synth or such yet, but I still want to start
>> experimenting with various programs that need MIDI input, so the
>> question is thus: What program can I use to plot in notes, and use as
>> input to any other programs, for creating sounds? Or any other good
>> method you can tell me about for creating MIDI input without actually
>> having a MIDI capable device.
>> Regards,
>> Arve

I think I saw it but didn't have anything to say. No experience with
that device. Anyway, your message did get through.

I suspect you'll do better with this question on LAU. Here you'll only
get the subset of us that are using Gentoo. There you get all distros.
I suspect that everyone subscribed to this list is also subscribed

Good luck,

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