Re: [proaudio] Jack real-time for users stopped working

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On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Kjetil S. Matheussen
<k.s.matheussen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Arve Barsnes wrote:
>>> Oh, I didn't know. Too bad, I've tried setting up pam a couple
>>> of times, and allways had some trouble making me resort to realtime-lsm.
>>> PAM is probably a security risk since it's so complicated to set up.
>> I thought it was as easy as installing pam and putting a few lines in
>> security.conf or whatever the name of the file was? I probably did it
>> wrong then...
> I think it's supposed to be that simple, and usually it probably
> is as well. But I would also think that behind that easiness there
> is a lot of complicatedness to make it appear simple. Why do
> we need to mess with another package and also edit a configuration
> file? It should be enough just to run a command as root which
> tells the kernel to allow anyone to run realtime and lock memory.

Honestly, I think it is basically that easy, or has been the whole
time I've used the PAM method of allowing real-time operation for user
accounts. (Probably about 1 year now) Only this last week or two did
it fail for me.

Now, whether someone wants to run something from the command line or
someone has to add 3 lines to a config file shouldn't bee too big a
deal. We're Gentoo users here. We have to mess with config files all
the time. Actually, it's been my assumption that something in an
emerge -DuN world operation caused a config file to get changed and
somewhere along the way I did an etc-update operation and caused a
problem. I'm sure real-time works, with PAM, on Gentoo systems. It's
worked for me for at least a year and only just stopped, probably
because of something stupid I did and so far cannot find.

I'll find it eventually but in the meantime I appreciate everyone's
ideas as to where I should look.


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