Re: [proaudio] : Compile a kernel (was : - Big performance improvement)

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Back on Friday 06 June 2008, Mysth-R was like:
> Hi,
> Well, I don't know how to check the IRQ-Thread...
> I just set the rtirq script for my firewire card :
> Can you tell me more about setting the priority level of IRQ-thread please
> ? Cheers,

ps -elH

will give a listing of all processes and their priority settings. The chrt 
tool will also allow you to change scheduling priority as well as your 
scheduling policy.

Find the process ID of the IRQ thread used by your sound card from the 
previous command, and try using something like:

chrt -f -p 80 [process ID of the IRQ thread]

(and remember that the number scale listed by the ps command and the chrt 
command when referring to priority levels are not the same. You are setting 
the priority level of IRQ thread to "80" in chrt, and should show up in ps 
as -21)

Another helpful tool you might want to insall is htop.


> Mysth-R

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