Re: [proaudio] mda vst plugins go open source...

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> When will we see VST plugins on 64-bit?
> I'm aware of the dssi-vst package, but I have absolutely no idea how
> good it works, or if it even does what I think it does. Sure would be
> nice to have all those vst plugins available...

dssi-vst never worked very well for me, at least in the VSTs I have 
tried. I have had problems with MIDI messages when using big plugins 
and/or a lot of channels, for example when using Garritan Personal 
Orchestra, or a couple of instances DSKs plugins, when some of the NOTE 
OFF messages doesn't seem to be send, so some notes are always playing. 
Besides the inerface sucks a bit. Not because is CLI, but because is 
nearly impossible to launch various instances of the same plugins, or 
to change the channels of something.

wineasio, in this overlay, works a lot better. To use it in amd64 you 
must use a command, jackbridge, to create jack ports, configure some 
stuff (read the docs and search the internet) and then you can use 
windows apps via wine with sound and pretty good latency. REAPER [1] is 
a shareware sequencer with VST support which is made to work under 
linux using wine, and it works great as VST host.

Any other option I have tried doesn't work very well, at least with big 
VSTs like GPO.


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