Re: [proaudio] jackdmp and ardour (CVS) on GCC 4.3.1 continued

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I got one step further ...... and hacked a way around the error in jackdmp below

I removed the --install=/usr entry from the ebuild and then removed by /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/bin and recreated them as symbolic link to the /usr/lib and /usr/bin respectively...

Obviously this is only a workaround but other attempts at changing the waf command in the ebuild all failed. I don't know enough about this to fix it....

I then came through to another error due to a conflict on my system ltmain and libtool being at different versions...

I am currently doing an emerge --emptytree system, to see if that resolves the conflict.



On Fri Jun 27 15:59 , 'sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx' sent:

Sorry one futher detail that may help
waf: error: no such option: --prefix
---snip ---

On Fri Jun 27 15:57 , "sonofzev@xxxxxxxxxxxx" sent:

Hi Thomas

Sorry to start a new thread.. (I'm at work so only have a forwarded copy to this address, don't ask poorly setup email)
Okay, let me try to be a bit clearer...

My aim is to get ardour (cvs not 2.4.1 as it doesn't have the gcc 4.3 patch appied) running with jackdmp. This is to facilitate the core2 optimisations which are only available on GCC 4.3.x.

My issues; ardour cvs asks for jack cvs (although I want to use jackdmp).

Since yesterday I have had a few improvements, jack wants to compile with jackdmp, but it fails at this point.

I tried
 rm -rf /usr/portage/distfiles/svn-src/jackdmp

The svn source updated and compiled but then wouldn't install.. .I get
* ERROR: media-sound/jackdmp-9999-r1 failed.
 * Call stack:
 *     , line   49:  Called src_install
 *             environment, line 2415:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       ./waf install --prefix=/usr --destdir="${D}" || die "waf install failed";
 *  The die message:
 *   waf install failed

I figure I can use "emerge --nodeps ardour" but need jackdmp installed first.. 

I have seen that the USE flag jackdmp should build jackdmp in lieu of jack-audio-connection-kit but this doesn't seem to work either and I obviously need to be able to install jackdmp first.

Any ideas?






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