Re: [proaudio] lv2 dependency missing?

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Federico Ferri a écrit :
> Frieder Bürzele ha scritto:
>> Yves Cochard wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I recently tried to compile ardour with lv2 support. However, the
>>> slv2 ebuild failed with these two consecutive errors:
>> to which slv2 ebuild do you refer?
> perhaps is the -9999, as the others have lv2core as dependency
Yes, I installed the media-libs/slv2-9999 one and it looks that it needs
lv2core as dependency!
>>>     * checking for REDLAND version >= 1.0.6... configure: error:
>>>       REDLAND version >= 1.0.6 required; 1.0.4 found
>>>     * checking for LV2CORE... no
>>>       configure: error: SLV2 Requires the LV2 core package
>>> Both overpassed after editing the package.keywords and emerging the
>>> lv2core and the redland-1.0.7 packages.
>>> Shouldn't be these ebuilds updated? (adding lv2core as a dependency
>>> and redland-1.0.7)
>>> Peace.
>>> Yves C.
>>> -- 
>>> "If by noise you mean uncomfortable sound, then pop music is noise
>>> to me."
>>> Masami Akita
Q: According to Sigmund Freud, what comes between fear and sex? A: Fuenf.

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