Re: [proaudio] [1199] psychosynth added (thx gavin)

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Yves Cochard ha scritto:
Kjetil S. Matheussen a écrit :
The binary is called "psynth3d". You can see which binaries
are provided in the terminal when installing packages.
I don't see any psynth3d in the "path" or in /usr/bin or /bin...


Federico Ferri a écrit :
I still haven't tried it, but you can try to:

awk '/bin/ {print $2}' /var/db/pkg/media-sound/psychosynth-*/CONTENTS

Well, I try this command, the terminal doesn't give me any answer
(though, I don't understant this command completely...)
that command looks for a string containing "bin" in the db/contents file.
so if the ebuild has installed something in /usr/bin or /opt/bin or whatever, the awk command it wil print it out


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