Re: [proaudio] jack not getting realtime priority

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On 09/12/2007, Achim Schneider <barsoap@xxxxxx> wrote:
"Robert Persson" <ireneshusband@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 06/12/2007, Achim Schneider <barsoap@xxxxxx> wrote:

> But I thought realtime-lsm been made deprecated in favour of
> rlimits. Why doesn't rlimits work on its own?
I wouldn't care, and advice that you also don't, at least unless you
need to load-balance rt apps of different users.

It's just not worth the time.

You're right. I've been using realtime-lsm for a day or two now and it seems to work well enough.

Robert Persson

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