Re: [proaudio] ZynaddSubFX and jackmidi USE Flag

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Le dimanche 8 juillet 2007 00:04, Frieder Bürzele a écrit :
> what jack-audio-connection-kit version are you using?
> I think it won't work against latest svn atm as the jackmidi-api changed
> a while ago.
hum ... I guess it changed earlier than you think.
I tried with different versions of jack-audio-connection-kit (with the 
jackmidi USE flag activated), here are the results :
* 0.101.1-r1 (lastest stable) : I didn't try it as it seems to not have the 
jackmidi USE-Flag.
* 0.102.20 (from proaudio overlay, masked ~x86) : zynadd compiles fine, even 
with jackmidi USE flag activated :-)
* 0.103.0 (from proaudio overlay, masked ~x86) : zynadd does not compile with 
jackmidi USE flag activated.
* 9999 (from proaudio overlay) : zynadd does not compile with jackmidi USE 
flag activated (same log).

My problem : jack-audio-connection-kit-0.102.20 doesn't have the freebob USE 
Flag, so I can't use it with my FA66 :-(

I think I should wait before testing the jackMIDI feature (now available in 
qjackctl)... freebob does not support it anyway ...



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