Re: [proaudio] ZynaddSubFX and jackmidi USE Flag

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Frieder Bürzele wrote:
Harald Gutmann wrote:
trinine@xxxxxxx schrieb:
Hi all,

I've got a problem that seems to be similar to this one :

ZynaddsubFX 2.2.1-r8 simply does not compile with the "Jack MIDI" USE-flag (no problem if I remove it).

i've the same problem here, but don't know how to solve it.


kind regards,

what jack-audio-connection-kit version are you using?
I think it won't work against latest svn atm as the jackmidi-api changed a while ago. I'll try to hack up a patch to get zynaddsubfx working against the jack-svn-version.

2.2.1-r8 should just work against the latest stable jack-release. Please report if your jack-version is stable
and it still won't work.

Greetz Frieder

I've added a zynaddsubfx-snapshot as ~unstable to the tree
which should compile against lates jack-svn

emerge =zynaddsubfx-20070707

Greetz Frieder

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