Re: [proaudio] Ardour2 maintenance branch

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rob wrote:
Frieder Bürzele wrote:
rob wrote:
Not sure if you know this, but Ardour-2.x.x bugfixes (at least some of them) are being applied to both the trunk and a maintenance branch. The ardour-99992 ebuild assumes trunk, and there may be some nasty bugs on trunk while Paul
and company forge ahead.

maybe we could call it something like
but this will give the impression that it's something like a pre version of 2.1
How about make 99992 be the maintenance branch (marked unstable), and 99993 be trunk (missing keyword)?


I thought about this as well, but also dislike it as this will confuse more.
so I'm going to add it with ...-2.0.99992 but without keywords

Greetz Frieder

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