Re: [proaudio] pure data, supercollider

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sounds like a great idea.
my only question is where things like cvs abstractions would be
copied. the file navigation in pd is already a pain, i would be
concerned if i had to swim around my entire filesystem trying to
organise the location of the latest cvs patches.
but then again use of symlinks could help this...
but then again again, i don't really know that much about ebuiding.

i would love to see this up, especially nice to see disiredata in the overlay.


On 3/13/07, m t <prince.jah@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I wonder how many of you people use this programms, but the status
with gentoo is pure :), especially for supercollider, its dated
20040903 !
For pure data there exists an overlay:

the externals are a little bit messed, they get copied to
/usr/lib/pd/lib/pd but the rest seems quit fine.

Anyway how about to integrate that to the pro-audio overlay as i
dont't see the need for another overlay ?I tried to contact the
maintainer but no answer til now.

As my sign of seriousness i provide an ebuild for pd-0.4-p2 i made
today, its neither in the official portage nor in the overlay, you can
download it at:

Would be fine to see someone to make an supercollider-ebuild :)


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