Re: [proaudio] Rosegarden 1.5

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Frieder Bürzele wrote:
trinine@xxxxxxx wrote:

I've tried the rosegarden-1.5.0 ebuild :
-> Rosegarden suggests to install kghostview or ggv or ghostview or evince to use Lilypond preview. I don't know if it's possible to write an ebuild which checks this, and lets people choose the soft to be used for this function.

Don't know how to do this. I just could add a lilypond useflag which checks if a suitable app is already installed. If none is installed the most left will be chosen:

lilypond? ( || ( app-text/ggv kde-base/kghostview  app-text/evince ) )

Other ideas?

-> There's a new "Import/Export Rosegarden project" feature, managed by a Perl script (/usr/bin/rosegarden-project-package). This script needs "kde-base/kdialog" and "dev-perl/XML-Twig" (which has a lot of dependencies) to work.

this could be done also via useflag
USE=export or sth. similar

suggestions please

After this, everything seems to work fine ;-)


I've done a ebuild pls test thx
it's KEYWORDed -* so you need to unmask (read faq at proaudio.tuxfamily if you don't know how to)

USE="export lilypond" emerge =rosegarden-1.5.0-r1
all deps should be pulled to get a working lilypond preview and working export-function

USE="-export -lilypond" emerge =rosegarden-1.5.0-r1
the ebuild tries to find out if needed packages are already installed if one pkg is missing
a warning message appears

so please test this ebuild

Greetz Frieder

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