Re: [proaudio] pd

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On 2006-12-04 22:44:59 -0800 Brad Fuller <brad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Mark Knecht wrote:
Hi Brad,
pd seems to be in the main portage database so you can jsut emerge it.
HA!... I guess I should've just looked there!

thanks, brad
well, portage has version 0.39_p1, while current stable release is 0.40-2. Plus if you want extensions you got to go hunting around and search for dependencies, and there's no ebuild for the pd-extended distribution, which is on version 38.4.

i tried the guide in, but probably got an incomplete build, cause tried some examples for rradical and others, got a lot of 'could not create' kind of errors. I have to look into this later, if time provides. i might even be able to put out an ebuild if i can figure out the dependencies.


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