Re: [proaudio] patching specimen

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Dubphil wrote:
Hello all,

would it be possible to add another patch to the specimen ebuild ?
it would just to exchange a string with another in a file of the sources in order to be able to load multiple instance of specimen and having the jack client named with an increment. I could probably do it myself, but there is something I must learn before; is how to create a patch file.

Tell me what you think.



Go for it! I believe patch files are just the output of diff, like
$ diff oldsource newsource > patch

but then i guess you would need it to work over the whole resource tree...

While your at it, how about a patch that changes the gui behavior, so that I'm not expected to come up with a name for a sample before I tinker with it? like, a default to "unnamed" when a new patch is created...

and while your at both of those things, I believe the specimen project is still in need of a new admin? ...

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