Re: [proaudio] rtirq borked

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>    I am not seeing this myself but on a related matter the desktop
> interactivity has become quite bad since my upgrade to gcc-4.1.1. I
> seem to be using all 1GB memory when running just Gnome, mythfrontend
> and Firefox. Tis wasn't true before as far as I can remember. Using
> Alt-tab to switch between windows is quite slow. When I first started
> looking at this yesterday I noticed rtirq seemed to have missed
> setting the priority of my HDSP card. When I added the card
> specifically in the rtirq config file that started working better, but
> it's different than when I was using gcc-3.X.

ah, would you be able to share these settings with me, I was wondering
what I could improve there. Also, do you know how to set the bit-width
for the alsa-driver for hdsp? Its seems to use 32bit when starting jack,
but I would just be happy with 16bit when performing etc... wonder how
one can set that on the hdsp. 
I guess, I could improve some settings actually, but that still does not
explain this error, non? I have too little bash knowledge though to look
through the script. I remember having had a problem before though,
posting to the forum, which got solved.


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