Re: [proaudio] portaudio's SConstruct broken

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Thomas Kuther wrote:
Since some days the portaudio-19-r1 ebuild is broken due to a funky
scons error as soon you re-download the tarball/get e fresh one:

Compiling source
in /var/tmp/portage/portaudio-19-r1/work/portaudio ...
 * enableShared=1 prefix=/var/tmp/portage/portaudio-19-r1/image//usr
enableStatic=0 enableAsserts=0 useJACK=1 useALSA=1 useOSS=0 scons:
Reading SConscript files ... TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list: File
"SConstruct", line 47: env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=debugCFlags)
  File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/", line 616:
    self._dict[key] = dk + val

!!! ERROR: media-libs/portaudio-19-r1 failed.

The autofoo'ed non-r1 ebuild still works.. I don't know what the
reason was for switching that, so i don't touch it, just report ;)

A user complaint about that it won't compile anymore. So as I was able to reproduce the error locally and a quick look let me thought they switched to scons so I added scons to the -r1.

So the question why do they provide both (scons and autotools)?
It seems one time scons is broken (like now) and sometimes autotools.

Maybe we should add both build methods in one ebuild to reduce possible bug reports. :)
btw. for me scons is also broken and autotools works


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