Re: [pok] code generation with aadl model

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Thanks for your e-mail.What you ask for is more related to the code
generation patterns and have the ability to tune the code generator
rather than the POK runtime itself. For now, the code generation
patterns cannot be tuned and are hard-coded in the code generator. So,
for (1), unfortunately, you cannot do it. For (2), the order of the
operations is fixed (first receive, then compute and finally send) but
the order or operation (which port is received or sent first) depends
on its declaration within the model.

As far as I know, there is not much contribution on the ARINC653 code
generator in Ocarina. However, there is another code generator
(RAMSES) that produces ARINC653/POK code from AADL models, developped
by TELECOM ParisTech and they might have parametrized code generation
patterns. Anyway, either you want to use Ocarina or RAMSES, the best
would be to contact maintainers of these tools since your questions
are more related to the code generation functions.

By the way, I am Cc:'ing this reply to the developer list since there
are more subscribers on this one.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:05 AM, CORRAL Dario <dcorral@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using pok and ocarina for code generation and here is the problem I’m
> coming across :
> I have specified a thread and a subprogram in my model.
> I would like my subprogram (the code of which will not be generated) to use
> the port
> and the buffer, to receive and send data.
> When I specify ports and buffers in the aadl model, ocarina always generates
> The API calls (pok_port_queueing_receive, pok_buffer_send) in the thread.
> And in the following order :
> -          First, receive data,
> -          then call the subprogram,
> -          then send data.
> 1.In my case, I do not want to have these API calls generated. I just want
> to have the identifiers and the number of ports/buffers declared
> In deployment.h to use them in the subprogram. Is there a possibility to do
> that through the aadl model?
> 2.Is it possible to specify which of  send or receive must be called first
> (if implementation is performed in the thread)?
> Thank you for your help.
> Dario.

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