Re: [pok] Building the POK examples with Ocarina

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On 11/16/2011 02:06 AM, Watney, Garth J (3496) wrote:
I ran the "make configure" which generated the file.

But I still have problems building the pok examples. I receive the error:
"AADL models are not syntaxically correct, please fix them!" (run from the
examples/arinc653-events example)

Are you sure you have the latest version of Ocarina ?
Can you tell me the result of Ocarina -V ?

I then ran the ocarina command separately to see where the error may be.
Here is the command I issued with the response:

Since an error within the model indeed, but on my side, it seems to compile fine. Also, before using ARINC related generators, can you have a try to the partitions-threads example and tell me if it works on your side ?

Looking at this error, I wonder where the ARINC653 is defined and how it
is supposed to be resolved?

The ARINC653 properties are embedded with Ocarina, you don't have it with POK since it is part of the AADL annex standard.

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