Re: [pok] Building the POK examples with Ocarina

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I ran the "make configure" which generated the file.

But I still have problems building the pok examples. I receive the error:
"AADL models are not syntaxically correct, please fix them!" (run from the
examples/arinc653-events example)

I then ran the ocarina command separately to see where the error may be.
Here is the command I issued with the response:

ocarina -aadlv2 -f -i model.aadl $POK_PATH/misc/aadl-library.aadl
model.aadl:49:46: parsing Reference_Term, an identifier is expected, found
token '('
model.aadl:49:36: parsing Reference_Term, an identifier is expected, found
token '('
model.aadl:49:04: parsing Component_Implementation, unexpected identifier
model.aadl:60:09: parsing Feature_Group_Connection, token 'group' is
expected, found identifier 'thr1'
model.aadl:59:01: parsing Connections, list is empty
model.aadl:71:30: parsing Property_Expression, unexpected keyword
model.aadl:69:01: parsing Features, list is empty
model.aadl:121:43: parsing Reference_Term, an identifier is expected,
found token '('
model.aadl:121:33: parsing Reference_Term, an identifier is expected,
found token '('
model.aadl:120:01: parsing Properties, list is empty
model.aadl:126:01: parsing AADL_Declaration, unexpected keyword 'end'
Error while parsing the files

Looking at this error, I wonder where the ARINC653 is defined and how it
is supposed to be resolved?


On 11/15/11 11:47 AM, "Julien Delange" <julien@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>On 11/15/2011 05:30 PM, Watney, Garth J (3496) wrote:
>> Thank you for your response. I managed to checkout the pok repository
>> successfully.
>> However there seems to be a file missing. The Makefile in the pok
>> includes "" in the misc directory which includes "".
>> This file does not exist.
>Yes, this is normal : to produce the file, you should issue
>make configure in the root directory of POK. Then, a tool automatically
>generate a file that is appropriate to your platform.
>If the file is not generated, this is because you will have a
>configuration issue and then, you have to investigate why you have such
>Finally, the configuration tool may complain against a particular
>version of Ocarina but this is just a warning and does not have an
>importance, as long as you have the up-to-date Ocarina from the
>following site :
>Hope that helps,

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