Re: [pok] Building the POK examples with Ocarina

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On 11/17/2011 02:22 AM, Watney, Garth J (3496) wrote:
I did not manage to install from the site you specified because there
seems to be missing the /doc directory. The error from running ./configure

config.status: error: cannot find input file: `doc/'

Indeed, to fix that, you should edit and remove lines 375 and 376. Then, re-run the ./support/reconfig script and try to install again.
Sorry for that :-(

I did however download the Ocarina 2.0w binaries and that seemed to work.
I can now build in the pok examples area. Thanks very much for your help.

Ok, that is great. So, please let us know your feedback and your impression about using POK. In the meantime, if you have any question, do not hesitate to task on this list. And if you plan to improve POK, do not hesitate to send patches or even better, to create an account on tuxfamily and then, commit on the head source tree.

Thanks for you mail,


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