Re: [pok-devel] ARINC-653 intrapartition communication compatibility

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On 22.02.2014 12:40, Etienne Borde wrote:
> Hi guys,
> this discussion reminds me I wanted to ask this question to the pok developpers: why wouldn't we use branches to organize this type of new contribution?
> If we had a branch for Maxim's devs we could easily experiment the compatibility with Ocarina or RAMSES. Similarly, I have a student working on pok and it would probably be easier for him as well to have his own branch until we reach the point to decide if we must integrate his code in the trunk.
> What is your opinion about this?
> Etienne.
By the way, are there accidentally any plans to migrate POK repository
to Git? Because I'm not quite experienced in working with SVN, and I
already use Git to manage POK code locally. I know it's kind of
egocentric statement, but just "maybe".

Maxim Malkov
Software Engineering Department, ISPRAS 

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