[tf-help] comment mettre les membres en mode nomail pendant leur absence/vacance?

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Bonjour !

Je ne vois aucune commande sur listengine qui permette à des membres de
listes de se mettre temporairement en mode nomail pendant une absence,
maladie, vacances. Y a-t-il une solution, immédiate ou à l'étude ?

From: listmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun Jan 25 11:59:57 2009 +00
To: ald0.nospam
Subject: listengine help

Hello and welcome on listengine help

All commands can be sent as mail subject.
You can also send a command list in the mail body.
All mails with commands must be sent on YOURLIST-request@xxxxxxxxxx list.

Here are the basic listengine commands:
help		 - show this help
subscribe	 - subscribe the shipper to the list
unsubscribe	 - unsubscribe from this list
lang [fr|us|es]	 - set listengine language

Only this list administrators can use the following commands.
subscription accept XXXXX		 - accept the subscription with key XXXXX
subscription refuse XXXXX		 - refuse the subscription with key XXXXX
moderate XXXXX			 - accept the message with message-id XXXXX
moderate accept XXXXX			 - accept the message with message-id XXXXX
moderate refused XXXXX			 - refuse the message with message-id XXXXX
moderate list			 - give the message list for moderation
user unsubscribe user@xxxxxxxxxx	 - delete user user@xxxxxxxxxx from list
user subscribe user@xxxxxxxxxx		 - register the user user@xxxxxxxxxx on the list
user right RIGHT user@xxxxxxxxxx	 - change right for this user
				   RIGHT can be subscriber or admin
user info user@xxxxxxxxxx		 - show user information

----- End forwarded message -----

O. La Rosa.

Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.19+ http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/