Re: [tf-help] GetDeb mirror

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On Sat, Jul 07, 2007 at 03:41:49PM +0100, João Pinto wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if tuxfamily would be able to provide a mirror
> for the getdeb software portal, .

Well, you made the right choice to create a subdirectory getdeb, so
we are able to provide a mirror.

However you should find a way to update the mirror through ftp, ftps, 
or sftp. I bet that you know 3v1n0[1], I remember that he wrote
something to update the remote repository from his local repository,
I am sure that he is going to be glad to help you ;)

> The current software uses about 7 GB  of disk space(should increase
> slowly), and it generates about 8 GB of traffic per day.

No problem ;)



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