Re: [hatari-users] hatari-prg-args not working quite right

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On 28.1.2024 0.57, Charles Curley wrote:
hatari-prg-args will launch an instance of hatari, but the requested
program doesn't run.

Please make sure that TOS can launch the program when you give that same program path to Hatari with the "--auto" option, before using "hatari-prg-args" to provide command line arguments for the launched program.

Hatari v2.5.0-devel (Jan 27 2024), fresh from the git repo, and also
hatari	2.4.1+dfsg-2, the current Debian 12 (bookworm) package.
Both instances are on Debian 12 (bookworm).

OS is EmuTos 202207 or so.

I am attaching a trace from one session.

I do not see in trace output any attempt for TOS to launch given program. Are you sure you used Hatari "--trace os_base" option?

	- Eero

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