Re: [hatari-users] Hatari 2.1 crashes when closing the preference window on Mac OS 10.13.3

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Le 10/02/2018 à 18:55, Sebastien Laborie a écrit :
Well... I just switched my OS langage to english and.... the crash disappeared :)

Switched back to French and have the crash again...

So guys, it seems there is a bug somewhere in strings manipulation in the preference window (native UI) and that bug occurs (or not) depending on the langage...

Is there any French developer working on Hatari? :)


yes, Jerome works on the french version and he just provided some updates recently for the translation / UI.

Jerome, could this crash be due to the missing midi UI in the french version ? Or a string to short to handle the french text when compared to the english version ? (crash in strncpy according to the traces posted earlier by sébastien)


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