Re: [hatari-users] Screen capture is slow

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Le 04/11/2015 00:54, Christer Solskogen a écrit :
On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 12:36 AM, Nicolas Pomarède
<npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


maybe that's because you use png compression with high compression level for
video frames, instead of the BMP codec ?

Perhaps. How do I change that at runtime? :)

IIRC, there's no GUI for that, you need to give the correct params.

run "hatari --help" and see :

Screen capture options:
  --crop <bool>     Remove statusbar from screen capture
  --avirecord       Start AVI recording
  --avi-vcodec <x>  Select AVI video codec (x = bmp/png)
  --png-level <x>   Select AVI PNG compression level (x = 0-9)
  --avi-fps <x>     Force AVI frame rate (x = 50/60/71/...)
  --avi-file <file> Use <file> to record AVI

Use png-level 1 for example.


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