Re: [hatari-devel] SCSI Driver improvements patch

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any chance to get feedback on my question? Maybe what I am asking for is not
possible or does not make sense. But my guess is that what I am supposed to
change in the SCSI Driver code will result in code sequences that also exist
elsewhere, or that other NatFeats code might also need.
When I say "optionally" I do not mean something you configure with cmake,
but something like a boolean parameter in the methods to be called.

Best regards


> Hi,
> > * read_stack_pointer(): calls STMemory_STAddrToPointer(), but does not 
> > check that the addresses are valid, as it should: 
> Wouldn't it be better if Hatari was checking this in
> STMemory_STAddrToPointer(), at least optionally? The existing conversions
> between native and Atari address space already make the code in nf_scsidrv.c
> (and likely elsewhere) hard to read. I don't doubt that these checks are
> useful, but I wonder whether there are better solutions than explicit checks
> everywhere.
> Best regards
> Uwe

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