Re: [hatari-devel] undefined behaviour fixes

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Le 06/01/2025 à 14:11, Andreas Grabher a écrit :

Am 06.01.2025 um 12:47 schrieb Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>:

Am Mon, 6 Jan 2025 12:32:43 +0100
schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Am 06.01.2025 um 12:10 schrieb Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>:
All those other casts for left-shifting signed values look rather
cumbersome, since all modern CPUs nowadays should just get this right
(AFAIK). Maybe it's better to compile with "-fwrapv" and call it a day?

I prefer casting to the correct type because 1U might have different size on different platforms.

It should not be any problem when the size of int is > 32 bits, and with
size of ints < 32 bits, the whole code won't work anyway, I guess.

I’m not sure we can ignore the shifting and overflow issues. There is no „right“. Different platforms/CPUs might behave differently. I already run into such an issue when running Previous on ARM for the first time. There was a very hard to debug difference in handling overflow while casting from float to int.

Yes, but this is about representation of negative integer numbers, and
AFAIK all modern CPUs use two's complement in that case. So you're trying
to fix the code here for CPUs that are not in use anymore since > 40 years,
I guess.

See also:

I'd suggest that you try to add "-fwrapv" to the compiler flags and have a
look which warnings are still left there without your patch.


Using -fwrapv flag with my compiler reduces the amount of warnings. There are still some warnings about shifting beyond type size (uae_u32 x >> 32 and uae_u32 x << 32) and shifting with negative value (x << -1). Appended patch should fix them.

With which CPU models are you doing your tests and seeing runtime errors ? 68030 only or did you try other cpu ? do some errors "disappear" depending on whether MMU emulation is ON or OFF ? Or cycle accuracy is enabled ?

(just to see if these errors you get share a common code path or if they only appear on a specific cpu combination)


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