Re: [hatari-devel] [PATCH] Recommend a combination of udisks2, parted and mtools to access disk images

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> I didn't have time to try all of it (maybe next week), but I started to wonder how these work for Hatari users with Mac, Windows and old enterprise Linux versions?
> (E.g. "dmesg" need sudo on many distros.)
> => I think something working for everybody could be introduced first, and only then things requiring root and specific kernel features.
Hi all !

The patch contains two alternate paths to mount disk image partitions:

- Linux only via udisks2 and user mounted loopback device
- OS independent, via parted and mtools

I suppose parted and mtools are available on most Hatari target platforms, so we could propose indeed the parted/mtools path *before* the Linux udisks2 / loopback path.

The Linux udisks2/loopback procedure will be in any case Linux specific, since the handling of loopback devices is very much OS specific. OS X / BSD / Windows users will have a different way to handle loopback devices.
So the paragraph title for the second path could be indeed rephrased to `Linux: Accessing the content of a partition using a user mounted loop device`

Now regarding `dmesg`, and the availability of `udisks2`:

It is true that some Linux distro do require root rights to run dmesg, like Debian, since they set the sysctl kernel.dmesg_restrict=1 overriding upstream default. Fedora for instance don't set that IIRC.
I don't think we need to cover this case in this doc:
- the `dmesg` command is here only to show what is happening in the kernel, but this is not an imperative command changing the state of the system
- it is trivial to try the same command as root/sudo as a permission error is displayed
- a documentation which tries cover all use cases in a single set of steps will be very difficult to follow

Regarding udisks2, it has been in RHEL since RHEL7 in 2013, according to
so I hope that covers the concern of older Entreprise Linux :)

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