Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari download area down

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Hi there,

Am 31.12.24 um 16:19 schrieb Thomas Huth:
Do you already have experience with Codeberg? It's certainly one of the
options beside Github and Gitlab...
Yes and no. As you may know, i'm not a dev but i work, as a sysadmin, for a company who writes software for kindergartens and banks (yes, weird mix i know :) ) so i'm quite familiar with git. And a such, a few years ago, after Microsoft bought Github, i've moved our firebee github repos to codeberg (

From what i've read the past mails your wishes are:

- Hosting - That works on Codeberg
- CI - yes but i never have worked with it (
- Mailinglist - sadly no, only usual git notifications


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