Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari download area down

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Am Sun, 29 Dec 2024 11:57:12 +0100
schrieb Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Ironically, the previous hosting (BerliOS) closed its services exactly 13
> years ago (31.12.2011), so still, it has been a good run.
> Can't remember what was the original reason to move from but in
> hindsight, perhaps it wouldn't have hurted to stay there as its storage,
> code repositories and mailing lists still work after all those years.

IIRC, SourceForge was painfully sluggish slow at that point in time, and
they started to push ads in a very annoying way (pop-ups on the website,
and ads in the footers of each mail on the mailing list), so it was a
rather frustrating experience in that year (see
also ).
I think it got better again later, but AFAIK they never managed to get
really popular again.


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