Re: [hatari-devel] Code execution on reset within the emulated Atari

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On Freitag, 19. Juli 2024 11:18:24 CEST Uwe Seimet wrote:

> With Hatari it's different, because the external handle in nf_scsidrv.c

> remains open after a reset triggered by an application.

In aranym it is similar. But after a reset, all the nf_* drivers are reset too, which should take care of any handles that are still open (this could also be the case for hostfs handles, when the atari crashes badly while file handles are open)

>Is there any way to execute code in nf_scsidrv.c when os_start is called,

>i.e. when the Atari is*internally*�reset?

You could "invent" a new opcode in the nf_scsi driver for that, and then call that in hdrutil before jumping to os_start. But that would only work with HDRUTIL then, a better approach would be to fix Hatari.

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