Re: [hatari-devel] Code execution on reset within the emulated Atari

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> In aranym it is similar. But after a reset, all the nf_* drivers are reset 
> too, which should take care of any handles that are still open (this could 
> also be the case for hostfs handles, when the atari crashes badly while file 
> handles are open)

This means that aranym detects that os_start is called within the emulated

> >Is there any way to execute code in nf_scsidrv.c when os_start is called,
> >i.e. when the Atari is *internally* reset?
> You could "invent" a new opcode in the nf_scsi driver for that, and then call 
> that in hdrutil before jumping to os_start. But that would only work with 
> HDRUTIL then, a better approach would be to fix Hatari.

I would indeed prefer a general approach.

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