Re: [hatari-devel] AUTO folder not executed anymore (commit #ba51a1e2)

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Le 20/06/2024 à 23:03, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Also if SCU.Enabled is false, this could give your result. But SCU.Enabled is set to true in ioMem.c line 345 :

         if (Config_IsMachineTT() || Config_IsMachineMegaSTE())
                 SCU_SetEnabled ( true );
                 SCU_SetEnabled ( false );

This is really strange. It could be some sources or .o files not up to date, but you said you did a "make clean"

Let's see if other people have the same issue, for now I don't see what's wrong.

I can reproduce it :

hatari --machine tt --tos ~/Emul/ST/steem/tos/tos306de.img

-> SCU.GPR1 is 0 on boot instead of 1

hatari --tos ~/Emul/ST/steem/tos/tos306de.img

-> this will ask for switching to TT mode and then GPR1 is 1 on boot

there's sthg wrong here. Both cases should boot in TT mode, giving "--machine tt" (or in the config file) should not majke such a difference.


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