Re: [hatari-devel] SCU/VME register access?

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On 19.6.2024 16.49, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
I noticed that in the added patch you write "Avoid freeze on TT / MegaST*" ; note that it's only on MegaSTE, not MegaSTF, so ST* might not be the correct description.

also if you send the patch to the linux m68k people for inclusion, better fix would be to set "tt_scu.sys_mask = 0" instead of adding a default handler for the VBL interrupt (as on Falcon)

I think patch can be as-is until there's fixed Linux release, after which I'll remove the patch.

(Changing sys_mask would require rewriting also the the large comment about it.)

I'll send the mail to Linux list if my draft is OK for you, see the other mail...

Hopefully fix goes to next Linux 6.10 release, otherwise it will take extra ~3 months.

	- Eero

But this should be done only to use Linux, else system won't boot with TOS / EmuTOS :)

Btw. I updated Hatari Python tools to the new Hatari API.

Could you add note about SCU emulation support to release-notes.txt?

It's on my todo, I need to complete other things before :)

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