Re: [hatari-devel] SCU/VME register access?

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Le 13/06/2024 à 22:47, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

So, similar to SystemV (as discussed on atari-forum) it seems linux doesn't need hsync nor vsync interrupt and sys_mask at ff8e01 should be set to 0x00 and not 0x10.

I guess it would work also if we set vectos[VEC_INT4] in current code for TT (Eero sent me such image, I will check later), but it's certainly cleaner to completely disable vsync and hsync in SCU sys_mask


I also tested the linux image Eero sent me with the addition of :

 vectors[VEC_INT4] = falcon_hblhandler;

in the case of the TT / SCU

With 0x10 in sys_mask to enable vsync interrupt then linux also boots correctly with Hatari and start busybox

So I think there's really a bug in Linux sources in the case of the TT, as no vsync is needed anymore by this linux version SCU's sys_mask should be set to 0x00 not 0x10

If someone feels like reporting this to Geert Uytterhoeven who maintain this m68k linux port ?


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