Re: [hatari-devel] Inconsistance in compatibility list ?

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On 16.4.2024 22.38, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
@Eero : when I compare Hextracker (V0.849) entry and Rainbow II multimedia entry, the first one shows a compatibility level colored in orange whereas the second one seems OK.
They both have the same comment.

They did not, but I made that a bit more clearer now.

(Hextracker issue is about its mouse scaling, and half of screen being inaccessible as a result, whereas Rainbow issue is just edge-scrolling making interacting with items on the side being awkward, without mouse grab.)

Isn't it incoherent ?

The 3 different Hextracker entries do have the same description though. :-)

(If I remember correctly, Falcon entry was originally added as Hextracker froze on Falcon due to Videl not emulating VFC, which was worked around by faking changes to it.)

	- Eero

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