Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing Hatari 2.5 for release

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Sorry for late answer, I was away for few days.

On 29.3.2024 19.06, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
update on the release :

- I fixed the DMA audio interrupt for Falcon, so on my side I don't see any blocking issue

- Eero, you mentioned you had some debugger changes to push, I see you did so. Do you still have more things to commit ?

No. Everything I have is few unfinished minor features, that are better done after release.

If not, then I think repo could be temporarily frozen to prepare the release (maybe this week end, I could have some spare time)

There were quite a few fixes, so a bit more testing might still be nice.

Chistian and Andreas, as you use Hatari Git on Windows and Mac, could you check that (Linux SDL) fixed mouse interaction works OK with Hatari *SDL* fileselector scroll bar and arrow buttons also on Windows & Mac?

	- Eero

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