Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing Hatari 2.5 for release

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> Am 01.04.2024 um 21:30 schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
>> On 1.4.2024 21.31, Christian Zietz wrote:
>> Eero Tamminen schrieb:
>>> Chistian and Andreas, as you use Hatari Git on Windows and Mac, could
>>> you check that (Linux SDL) fixed mouse interaction works OK with Hatari
>>> *SDL* fileselector scroll bar and arrow buttons also on Windows & Mac?
>> I didn't really follow the corresponding thread. What do I have do
>> exactly? FWIW, in the SDL file selector, I can scroll by either dragging
>> the scroll bar handle or by clicking the arrow buttons. This works in
>> either windowed or full-screen mode. (Tested with commit c149684a.)
> Thanks, this was exactly it, whether those can be interacted with, both in windowed and fullscreen mode!
> (So, they work for Linux and Windows (now), only Mac is still a question.)
>    - Eero
I can confirm that it also works on my Mac in both windowed and fullscreen mode. I have already adopted the patch for Previous.

Thank you fixing that issue!

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