Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing Hatari 2.5 for release

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On 1.4.2024 23.10, Andreas Grabher wrote:
Am 01.04.2024 um 21:30 schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 1.4.2024 21.31, Christian Zietz wrote:
Chistian and Andreas, as you use Hatari Git on Windows and Mac, could
you check that (Linux SDL) fixed mouse interaction works OK with Hatari
*SDL* fileselector scroll bar and arrow buttons also on Windows & Mac?
I didn't really follow the corresponding thread. What do I have do
exactly? FWIW, in the SDL file selector, I can scroll by either dragging
the scroll bar handle or by clicking the arrow buttons. This works in
either windowed or full-screen mode. (Tested with commit c149684a.)

Thanks, this was exactly it, whether those can be interacted with, both in windowed and fullscreen mode!

(So, they work for Linux and Windows (now), only Mac is still a question.)

I can confirm that it also works on my Mac in both windowed and fullscreen mode. I have already adopted the patch for Previous.

Great to hear that!

So although SDL (mouse) scaling behavior is inconsistent, it's at least consistently inconsistent. :-)

Thank you fixing that issue!

	- Eero

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