Re: [hatari-devel] GEMDOS HD issue when running under Windows

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Hi Christian,

Thanks for testing/debugging/tester/patch!

I don't have Windows to verify the bug, but fseek() seems rather harmless [1] with the smallish amounts of reads & writes that Atari programs may do, so I pushed your patch.

	- Eero

PS. There's already an issue with Hatari GEMDOS HD perf documented at end of:

Fseek() call is not going to improve Kronos disk access perf, but it would be interesting to know whether there's any significant slowdown...

On 28.3.2024 17.41, Christian Zietz wrote:
Some days ago, I investigated an issue I observed with SoftPC, a PC
emulator, running on a GEMDOS-emulated hard disk. I only managed to
write it up today. Upon further inspection, I found that the issue was
with Hatari running under Windows, but not a regression compared to
Hatari 2.4.1. To create an example, I used the following code snippet:

     int fid;
     long res;

     fid = (int)Fopen("FBUG.DAT", 2);
     Fread(fid, 512, buf);
     strcpy(buf, "MARKER");
     res = Fwrite(fid, 512, buf);

When this code is run with a file called FBUG.DAT, which is at least
1024 bytes in size, the Fwrite call is successful according to GEMDOS.
Hatari's GEMDOS trace doesn't show any abnormalities, either:

GEMDOS 0x3D Fopen("FBUG.DAT", read/write) at PC=0x13FF2
GEMDOS: FBUG.DAT -> host: C:\[REDACTED]\fbug.dat
-> FD 64 (read/write -> read+write)
GEMDOS 0x3F Fread(64, 512, 0x30010) at PC 0x1400E
GEMDOS 0x40 Fwrite(64, 512, 0x30010) at PC 0x14050
GEMDOS 0x3E Fclose(64) at PC 0x1405E

However, when running Hatari on Windows, the write operation does in
fact *not* succeed. If you check FBUG.DAT with a hex editor, you won't
find the "MARKER" string.

Initially, this observation puzzled me because Hatari calls the standard
library functions fread and fwrite in the end. It would be unlikely that
these functions are buggy. However, upon reading the C standard, I
discovered the following:

"When a file is opened with update mode ('+' as the second or third
character in the above list of mode argument values), both input and
output may be performed on the associated stream. However, output shall
not be directly followed by input without an intervening call to the
fflush function or to a file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or
rewind), and input shall not be directly followed by output without an
intervening call to a file positioning function, unless the input
operation encounters end-of-file."
(Source: ISO/IEC 9899:1999)

In Hatari, GEMDOS_Write calls fflush after each write, which makes the
transition from writing to reading safe. However, the other way around,
i.e., reading to writing, is not. There is no "file positioning
function" enforced before writing.

To resolve the issue, I have attached a patch that fixes the problem and
ensures that the test program and SoftPC run correctly with Hatari's
GEMDOS HD emulation on Windows. Feel free to rework it into a more
clever solution, if you think the unconditional dummy fseek should be


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