Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari macOS builds - handover need?

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On 27/03/2024 10.32, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 20/04/2023 à 08:59, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Hi all,

Yesterday I pulled the plug on my last macOS computer - I'm Linux only now. The build server for Hatari is still running (and can, for the foreseable future), but I will no longer be able to test & verify myself.

If someone wants to take this over, the build server is a Virtualbox VM with some custom scripting and (few) patches to the repo. I'll happily hand this over, but whomever takes it on needs to do some work to interface the VM with some hosting place for nightly builds (or, if that's still my server which is fine, just needs to switch to scp:ing the files there).

No rush, but it should be sorted out before the next release :)


reviving this old thread :)

what is the current situation for building Hatari on macOS ? I see the cirrus-ci jobs is building for macOS 12 and 14, but I don't see the resulting binaries ?

Artifacts are only created for the macOS 12 job. You can download the latest build here:


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