Re: [hatari-devel] Little patch for better DSP disasm readibility

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On 24.3.2024 14.13, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
I've commited 2 little patchs :

- first one, just for spaces removing at end of lines (my editor is configured like this.

  This patch doesn't change anything, it's just here to allow a better readibility of the changes of the second patch (and later bisect is any)

- second patch : it reformats the DSP parallal moves instructions in 3 columns in debug mode for better readibility.

   Code is much easier to read like this.

DSP disassembly output is still somewhat annoying because it always outputs over 90 chars wide output, even for this:
> dd pc
p:00cc  000000         (02 cyc)  nop
p:00cd  000000         (02 cyc)  nop
p:00ce  000000         (02 cyc)  nop

Meaning that by default it looks in terminal like this:
> dd pc
p:00cc  000000         (02 cyc)  nop

p:00cd  000000         (02 cyc)  nop

p:00ce  000000         (02 cyc)  nop


Why it's outputting (that much) extra spaces at end of line?

	- Eero

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