Re: [hatari-devel] Separate --cpu-caches option

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Le 16/03/2024 à 23:53, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

As WinUAE CPU core supports it, attached is patch to enable CPU caches separately from cycle exact and prefetch/compatible options.

It should help in identifying compatibility issues better, and having more control over Hatari performance.

I'm not sure whether it makes sense to merge it before release though...



I'd rather have this change postponed after the next release because release could happen real soon.

Apart from that, I think variable should be bCpuCacheData instead of just bCpuCaches because it's not the same thing as the instruction cache.

Also, doing just a true/false that removes the whole other tests in m68000.c is not good, because it can leave cache=true for 68000 cpu and have side effect later. so it should be something like :

        if ( ( changed_prefs.cpu_model < 68020 )
|| ( ( changed_prefs.cpu_compatible == false ) && ( changed_prefs.cpu_cycle_exact == false ) )
         || ( ConfigureParams.System.bCpuCaches == false )
                changed_prefs.cpu_data_cache = false;
                changed_prefs.cpu_data_cache = true;

PS. As WinUAE has internal option for enabling opcodes dropped for 060, maybe it would make sense to add Hatari option for that too.  Needing to use FPSP060.PRG with most 060 programs is somewhat annoying...

Yes, but sdl-ui is more and more cluttered, it's getting hard to add new option with enough text to give a meaningful explanation, so I don't know where to put it exactly.
So maybe just a cli option for now ?


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