Re: [hatari-devel] tools/

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Hi Christian,

these data may be relevant for so-called super floppy media, which only have
a single partition and use the root sector as their boot sector. I don't
know about Windows, but at least some DOS versions supported this format.
It also has a certain relevance for the Atari, in particular when formatting
a floppy disk in a SCSI floppy disk drive or an LS-120 drive. In this case
you need the boot sector data in the "root sector" of the floppy disk.
By the way, with HDDRUTIL you can create such a format by not entering
any partition data when partitioning. HDDRUTIL will then ask you whether you
want to partition the medium like a floppy disk.

Best regards


> Hi,
> I recently participated in a discussion on AF regarding the
> script:
> ... and I wanted to see if I can propose a patch to make it better.
> (After the Hatari 2.5 release, of course.) But I don't fully understand
> what I see inside the existing script in the first place.
> For example: Why is the *MBR* (aka: root sector) filled with data such
> as the sectors per cluster or the media descriptor 0xF8?
> Looking at the offsets, this appear to be fields that are meant to be
> inside the BPB in the VBR (aka boot sector of the partition):
> So, what is the use-case of putting those in the MBR? Which
> software/driver expects this information to be in this (wrong) place?
> Regards
> Christian
> --
> Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
> WWW:
> New GnuPG-Key-ID: 0x8708B34C827B159E

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