[hatari-devel] 68060 unimplemented opcodes?

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I'm getting following with latest Hatari Git version and just released m68k Linux v6.8 (built with m68k-linux-gnu-gcc-12), when emulating 060 Falcon:
DEBUG: 68060 unimplemented opcode 4C00, PC=00045fd4 SP=00367ef4
DEBUG: 68060 unimplemented opcode 4C01, PC=003a7a7e SP=00367f74
DEBUG: 68060 unimplemented opcode 4C3C, PC=0029dc88 SP=00367cc8
DEBUG: 68060 unimplemented opcode 4C43, PC=00157d2a SP=00367ec4

Any idea why they're not implemented by WinAUE CPU core?


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