Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing Hatari 2.5 for release

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On 6.3.2024 14.16, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
on my side, I completed all the changes that were pending and needed a final touch to be ready (there're still more uncommitted features I'm working on, but then there won't be a release for several months if I wait for these to be done too :) )

For other, can you tell if you have some things to complete too before the release ?

There are some debugger improvement requests on this list, and in Atari-forum, that I'd like to look into before release.

Btw. As EmuTOS release is also being prepared now, it would be good to wait until that is done, and do Hatari release after new EmuTOS release can be included with the Hatari release binaries.

New EmuTOS release has several bug fixes needed by ScummVM (e.g. HD reads for large binaries), and has preliminary support for Falcon TC mode, which allows running most TC apps & games (ones that do not need to be started from TC mode, or require TC line-A / VDI support).

If not, can you check that release-notes.txt is up to date regarding the work you made since latest 2.4.1 release ? (I usually do a "git log |grep $my_git_login" and skim all the results to ensure it's worth being mentioned in the release notes)

It should be up to date in regards to my changes.

	- Eero

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