Re: [hatari-devel] Minus key is mapped to / in Hatari when using KEYMAP_SYMBOL

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Between french standard (105 keys) PC keyboard and french ST keyboard
there are some keys that cause problems with modifiers :

'_' is [_] pc side and [SHIFT] + [-] ST side
'~' is [ALTGR] + [é] pc side and [ALT (or CTRL ?)] + [SHIFT] + [#] ST side
'{' is [ALTGR] + ['] pc side and [ALT (or CTRL ?)] + [SHIFT] + [^] ST side,
'}' is [ALTGR] + [=] pc side and [ALT (or CTRL ?)] + [SHIFT] + [$] ST side,
'§' is [SHIFT] + [!] pc side and [§] ST side.

How to get right ST mods in these cases ?

where do the codes 178 and 249 come from in Keymap_SymbolicToStScanCode_FR ?


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